I'm not crazy, I'm Dopey...Conquering the 2018 Dopey Challenge

Whenever I told people that I signed up for the 2018 RunDisney Dopey Challenge, which consists of running a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, and full marathon in a matter of four days, they would always respond with "you're crazy!" I would jokingly reply, "I'm not crazy, I'm Dopey."

It all started in 2008 when I signed up for the Goofy Race and a Half Challenge. This is just running the 1/2 marathon and the full marathon. Let me state, I am not a runner by any means. Therefore, I did not know any good running tidbits...like that you should buy your shoes at least a size larger than you normally wear because your feet will swell. Yeah, learned that one the hard way. I ran the 1/2 marathon on Saturday and was fine. I went back for the full marathon on Sunday and had to stop at mile 14 because my feet were in such pain. Turned out, I had caused large blood blisters under three toenails.

Fast forward five years. In 2013, I decided that it was time to run the Goofy Challenge again, to prove to myself that I could do it. I purchased properly sized shoes and was doing well. That is until mile 6 of the full marathon, when all of my energy suddenly disappeared. I couldn't figure it out. I tried to pick the pace back up but finally realized I could not go on any longer and quit. How far did I make it? 14 miles. Sabotaged at 14 miles again! It turned out I had the flu. I had a 104 fever by that night.

It was bothering me that I had attempted this challenge twice and both times I was knocked out for reasons beyond my control. So, yes, fast forward another five years to 2018. By now, RunDisney had introduced the Dopey Challenge. I figure, if I'm already running 39.3 miles over the weekend, what's another 9.3. haha. This time I had proper shoes, I was trying my best to not catch any viruses, and I added more structure to my running plan. I purchased a pacer that would vibrate on my wrist whenever it was time to run and time to walk. I also purchased Gatorade Energy Chews and chose to eat them every 6 miles. I was as prepared as I was ever going to be.

Thursday, January 4, my alarm went off at 4 a.m. Did I mention that I am NOT a morning person? Ugh, that alarm was torture, but I managed to peel myself out of bed and layer up my clothing for the 28 degree temperature. At 5:30 a.m., it was time to start the 5k. One thing I love about the Disney races, is that they bring out plenty of characters to take pictures with, most of which are rare to find on a normal day. During the 5k, I stopped for the bears from Brother Bear and Horace Highcollar.

With such an early start time, there was plenty of time to explore the parks that day. All the cast members are super attentive when it comes to the race medals. I decided to spend my day in Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. Baloo and Louie wanted to put my medal in their treasure chest but I told them it was stuck under my hoodie. Then Pluto saw that he was on the 5k medal and told Goofy to get out of the picture because Goofy wasn't on the medal. lol. Some of their characters have such personality.

The next day, that pesky alarm woke me up again for the 10k. This time I took pictures with Meeko and Pocahontas and Flik and Atta. I must say I was excited about Meeko. After all, I did tame a raccoon enough to eat out of my hand so it was only natural to name her Meeko.

As if 6.2 miles wasn't enough, I decided to spend the rest of the day running around Magic Kingdom and EPCOT. At one point Dale tried to eat my medal but Chip bopped him on the head and told him that wasn't allowed.

You guessed it, the alarm did not take a break the next day. It was time for the 1/2 marathon. While the 5k and 10k all run through EPCOT, the 1/2 marathon branches out to include Magic Kingdom, also. There were so many characters!

After the 1/2 marathon, I took it a little bit easier. I just went to Disney Springs to do some quick shopping and dining. I needed to rest to prep for the marathon the next day. I was so glad that this was the last time to hear that 4 a.m. alarm and go out into the super cold air. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when, before I even reached the mile 1 marker, there was a DJ playing Deorro's "Five More Hours". Now, while I absolutely love that song, "Five more hours, we're just getting started" is not the reminder I wanted at the beginning of a marathon. haha

While "Every Mile is Magic", like RunDisney's slogan states, I did find one flaw in the system. I ended up getting pulled from the race right before mile 20 because the pacers passed me. A few of us feel the pacers were ahead of schedule. You are required to keep a 16-minute mile pace. I crossed the 13.1 mile marker with an average of 16:03-minute mile. Some women I talked to had trackers on their wrists and they were saying they were at a 16:08 pace. The attendants said that roads have to be open by a certain time, which I completely understand. However, I'm thinking that, since that is the case, RunDisney needs to list the specific times you must cross specified mile markers. At mile 19, I started slowing my pace a little because I had not taken any break from my pace. I figured I would go a little slow for that mile before picking it back up for the last 6 miles. That is when the pacers passed me. If I had known that I had to cross mile 20 by a specific time, I would have made sure I did it.

All of that aside, though, I know I was strong enough to finish the race, so in my mind, I did. My ultimate goal was to prove that I could beat the Goofy Challenge of 39.3 miles in a weekend and I ran 42.4, plus all the running around at the parks. I couldn't be more proud of the results and I am now hanging up my running shoes. :)
