
Wow, it has been over a year since my last post. Almost forgot I even had this site. I added some photos and video links to my previous two posts, so check those out if you want.
April of last year kind of threw me for a loop. The place where I worked decided to fire me for absolutely no reason. Thankfully, one of the clients there had been trying to get me to work for them so I let them know I was available and I have been working for them ever since. The funny thing is, in February or March that year, I went to a psychic and she said she saw a big change coming in an "A" month. She said, "So I guess that would be August. Wait, no, April starts with "A" and this feels closer than August so it will be April." Wish I would have asked for further explanation so I could have prepared for the shock of being fired.
My company, DK Innovations, Inc., is still going strong. In fact, I have had a recent surge in sales recently. Not sure what sparked that but I am not complaining. I am in the market to sell/license the patent, though. Between my full-time job and coming home to help my mom who has fibromyalgia and severe arthritis, I just don't feel like I can devote as much attention to my own endeavors. I would prefer to just be the idea girl and let other people handle the business end.
I attended another paranormal conference (told you I am now addicted), but more about that in another post.
On a sadder note, we lost our 18y/o adopted kitty in March. He had a thyroid issue. While we were able to keep him happy and healthy for quite a few years on medication, his body just finally couldn't take it anymore. It seemed like one thing was failing after the next. Poor Charlie. He was the sweetest cat and always mothered any kitten we brought in the house.
