Wow, is it 2013 already?!? Time flies when you are having fun, I guess. 2012 certainly was an exciting year for me...Vegas in February, seeing penguins in San Antonio in July, Austin in October, New York City in October, Estes Park in November, and Orlando in November. I'm getting used to all this travelling. 2013 has a lot to live up to. Of course my previous posts talk about Vegas and the adorable penguins, so if you haven't read about those trips, yet, you can check those out. I will be posting about my Colorado and Florida trips in posts after this one. But now for Austin and New York.
Jeff went back to the Central Texas Paranormal Conference again for 2012 so I drove to Austin to check it out. If you ever have a chance to see him speak, you should go. Also in Austin was a guy I met in August at a Linkin Park concert. We talked pretty much every day after the concert on Facebook so we decided that we would say hey in person while I was in town. I may have possibly expressed my feelings for him. I don't know what I was thinking, ha ha. I have never done that before but I guess I was just having a brave moment...or a moment of stupidity. He was super polite about it and let me down easy. We are still friends. And at least now I can say that I stepped out of my comfort zone and put myself out there. It was a good learning experience. It helped to ease the blow that night that Jeff invited me to come hang out with a group of people for drinks. I had a blast and got to laugh my cares away.
We ended up meeting a goal at work in October, as well. Our boss promised us a vacation when we met this goal and we decided on New York City. We flew up on Saturday, October 20. That was my first time in New York. We stayed at the Radisson at 34th and Broadway. The weather was great for the entire weekend. We went to a few nice restaurants, walked down 5th avenue (where I got to spend a Tiffany & Co gift card at the actual Tiffany & Co), and stopped at Battery Park for a bit. The highlight of the trip was definitely seeing Wicked on Broadway. What a great show! Oh, and did I mention I fell flat on my face in a crosswalk in the middle of Times Square. ...yeah... fun times. I was disappointed in one thing, the fashion. I thought New York City was this high fashion area. I packed nice clothes and heels, ready to look my best, only to find that nobody was dressed up! And while our itinerary said we would be taking taxis and subways everywhere, my boss decided that by foot was a much better idea. Except for 5th Avenue, the sidewalks were not made for heels. My poor shoes got a workout on Sunday. We walked all the way down 5th Avenue and then walked from the subway to the 9/11 Memorial, to Battery Park, to Wall Street. I admit though, it would not have been the same from a taxi window. I am glad that we walked it. And the good news is we are halfway to our next goal at work so I expect there will be another post about our next trip by the end of summer.
